Here at WBC, our beliefs center around the story of the gospel:


God created the world without flaw, pain, or death. Within this creation, God created two humans: Adam and Eve.


Adam and Eve chose to sin (break God’s good commands) and separated themselves and their offspring (the rest of humanity) from God. Every person—since Adam and Eve—has made the same choice to rebel against God. As a result, every person experiences spiritual separation from God in life. The end result of humanity’s separation from God, in this life, is the eternal separation from God in the next life to come in a real place called Hell.


Two thousand years ago, in the ultimate act of love, God sent his Son—Jesus—to earth. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life (without sin), died an undeserved death, and rose from the grave three days later. Through this sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus created a path for humans to be reunited to God.


For all who place their trust in Jesus, their record of sin is removed, they are credited with Jesus’ perfect life, and they are given the Holy Spirit as the permanent presence of and connection with God. The Holy Spirit then works to daily transform the life of the believer in Jesus to look more like his perfect life.


One day—at the end of history—God will bring to close the world as we know it and recreate it as the final perfect place for all who believe.



The purpose of Washington Baptist Church is to glorify God through the assembly of the saints in worship and prayer and the taking of the gospel to the ends of the earth.